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Queer Immigrant PRIDE! Empowering performances of LGBTQIA+ Immigrants

  • Evans School 1115 Acoma Street Denver, CO, 80204 United States (map)

Motus Theater and Redline Contemporary Art Center present a special empowering Motus Queer Immigrant Pride performance with monologues from Motus’ TRANSformative Stories and UndocuAmerica projects by LGBTQIA+ immigrant monologists. This performance features monologues by David Breña (he/him), Cristian Solano-Cordova (he/they) and Ruby Lopez (she/her). This special performance is part of a Motus three part series in June, “There is No Them in U.S.” and is presented at Redlines satellite location at the Evan’s school as part of its 2024 annual exhibition Stories_UnderScored (more info below).

  1. 6:30-7:30pm Special Community Tea & Cookies Reception of UndocuAmerica Art Exhibition (included in your ticket).

  2. 7:30pm-9:00pm Performance of Queer Immigrant Pride! Empowering Performances of LGBTQIA+ Immigrants.

This performance and exhibition is part of Motus’ Denver event series “There no THEM in U.S., a celebration of art and stories that help US in the U.S recognize our shared humanity through powerful personal stories at the intersections between immigrant rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, racial justice and criminal legal reform. 

Motus Theater’s “There’s no THEM in U.S.” series is part of RedLine Contemporary Art Center’s 2024 annual exhibition Stories_UnderScored.

6:30-7:30pm before the performance:

Join us for tea and cookies for the art exhibit - “UndocuAmerica: Reclaiming Our Presence” on view prior to the performance at the Evans School.



Includes Both 6:30pm Reception & 7:30pm Performance